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Employment Opportunities 

Those interested in seeking employment in the West Islip District for the positions of substitute nurse, substitute teacher, substitute teaching assistant, teaching assistant and teacher positions should apply through OLAS @

Available Positions

Coming Soon


    The following substitute opportunities are currently available in the West Islip School District:

    Clerical - $20.00/hr
    Custodial - $16.50/hr
    Maintenance Mechanic II - $30.00/hr
    Food Service Workers - $16.50/hr
    Guard I - $20.74/hr
    Guard II - $24.20/hr
    Guard III - $34.40/hr
    Teacher Aide - $16.50/hr

    To apply for these positions, candidates must complete an Application for Employment at the District Administration building between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

    Substitute Teachers
    $130 per diem up to 30 days
    $150 per diem 31+ days for certificated teachers

    Substitute Nurses {NYS Registered Nurse License required}
    $150 per diem up to 30 days
    $180 per diem 31+ days